As a company, we know that who we are as business owners and operators is not divisive of who we are as human beings. With respect to the current social climate, we have decided to take some space for ourselves and our team members.
We understand that this closure comes at a unique time in our world. With the ongoing threat of the COVD19 pandemic, we would like to ensure all our guests and supporters that we are not closed due to an outbreak of COVID19, and all of our staff members are safe and well. We believe in full transparency, and that handling our business with the truth is always the best way to proceed. If we ever were to find ourselves in a differing situation, we would make sure this news was public knowledge, so as to protect our community as best we could.
While we take this moment to pause and reflect, please know, we are actively working towards an exciting re-opening for our team and our community. Our Grand Re-Opening will be Friday, June 19th. We are planning quite a celebration - working with new businesses, entertainment, and community organizations. We've got a lot up our sleeves, so please stay tuned to our social media channels as we begin to make some big announcements (and reservation windows!).
So... We know you're all thinking "Which community establishment should I support this week?" Well, we're glad you asked. Thanks to Alecia Vera's extensive list of Chattanooga's black owned businesses and artists, we'd love to suggest some amazing black owned food and beverage businesses for you to support:
Blue Orleans - Creole Staples www.blueorleansdowntown.com
C&W Cafe - Southern Soul www.candwcafe.com
Chatt Taste- Food and Drink Tours chatttaste.com
Chatt's Smokehouse - BBQ & Catering chatt-smokehouse.com
Chattanooga Cigar Club - Cigar Bar & Lounge - https://chattanoogacigarclub.com/
Chattanooga Wing Factory - Wings www.chattwingfact.com
Chatter Box Cafe - Food Truck, BBQ, Catering https://www.chatterbox423.com
Chef Express - Food + Drink Catering www.chefexpress4.com
Chicken-W-Bones chicken-w-bones.com
Coco Asante - High Quality Chocolate www.cocoasante.com
Flava of Haiti - Haitian Cuisine https://www.facebook.com/FlavaOfHaiti
Fud Vybez - Caribbean Food https://www.facebook.com/fudforvybez/
G's Detroit Sausages - Sausage and Gumbo https://www.facebook.com/gsdetroit/
Jamaican Jerk Shack - Jamaican Cuisine https://jamaican-jerk-shack.business.site/
Lil Mama's Chicago Style Hoagies - Hoagies https://www.facebook.com/lilmamaschistylehoagy
Loadebar - Wholesale Grocery https://www.loadebar.com/www
Memo's Gill - BBQ, Sandwiches, Plates http://www.places.singleplatform.com/memos-grill/menu
Not Your Mamas Greens - Plant Based Food https://notyourmamasgreens.com
Penny's Lemonade - Lemonade https://www.facebook.com/Pennyslemonade/
Plant Power Cafe & Juice Bar- Vegan Cafe with Island Flair https://plant-power-cafe.business.site/
Rocky Top Sugar Shoppe - Bakery and Sweets http://rockytopsugarshoppe.com
Seafood King Gene- Seafood Boils, Lemonade https://www.facebook.com/seafoodkinggene
The Cupcake Club - Sweet Treats. Specialty Cupcakes, Desserts, Baked Goods, Sweet& Savory Pies. Everything we create is Gluten Free http://thecupcakeclub.biz
The Flaming Rooster - Hot Chicken https://www.facebook.com/flamingrooster423/
Together Cafe - Coffee Shop fighting against Human Trafficking www.togethercafe.org
Uncle Larry's Restaurant - Fresh Fish- Tilapia, Catfish http://www.unclelarrysrestaurant.com
Thank you all for your support and understanding. We look forward to next week - with a new opportunity to connect with one another, and another opportunity to serve you.